A Quick Favor

Take five minutes to help a feller out.

Good Ones is a bi-weekly or so personal essay newsletter that covers art, music, movies, food, drink, or whatever. Click subscribe below to get the newsletter directly to your inbox whenever they’re published.

A Polite Ask

Normally, Good Ones goes out every other Monday, but, well, it’s been a while, right? In order to hit the “hot take jackpot,” the last newsletter, “What Do We Do About Squid Game,” got pushed out a half-a-week early on a Wednesday.

I’m particularly proud of this one! It’s an in depth, actual cultural and critical analysis of a piece of art. It’s a good example of what taking time to craft a piece looks like rather than trying to shove out three music missives a week.

In any case, next Monday is the next edition of Good Ones, and we’ll be getting back to coffee stuff, in case that’s why you signed up for one of these newsletters in the first place.

In the meantime, I have a favor to ask:

Can you tell a friend about Good Ones?

Hopefully if you’re reading this, you enjoy it! But even if you’re hate-reading this, I’ll take the clicks.

It could be as simple as a tweet, and you can share the post on social media by using the little arrow button next to the comment button. It looks like this:

If you don’t want your undying love for an extremely unknown and maybe embarrassing newsletter to be broadcast for the entire Internet, maybe just send a discreet text to someone who you know watched Squid Game, and let them know some yahoo on the Internet has STRONG. OPINIONS. about why the construction of the show doesn’t live up to its premise.

And lastly, if all of that sounds like a pain in the butt, consider clicking the like button — it’s the little heart icon next to the date at the top of each post. But only if you liked it. It’s an easy way for me to get feedback about what the readership wants, and hey, I’m here to make you happy.

Thank you for subscribing!

It’s not that I couldn’t do this without you, it’s just that I wouldn’t do this without you. Literally.

Artwork by Ashley Elander Strandquist. You can view her illustration work here and check out her printing business here.